Monday, August 23, 2010

San Miguel's Pale Pilsen

Like many Philippine foods, the San Miguel’s Pale Pilsen has noticeable sweetness. Yet it is enough of a proper beer sweet that it does not make the brew taste like a fruit beer. It's more like if you took the sweet rice-beer flavor of a Busch Light and then added more beer flavor to it.

This is the exact vaguely sweet, light ale-ness that begins the drinking experience that, according to the bottle, leads to true Philippines friendships. Then a carbonated burn builds, and it is accompanied by a vague pineapple fruitiness, just a faint misting of it. As I said before, it is not enough to make the brew predominately fruity. It's just a hint.

Finally, the swallow leaves behind that refreshing Pabst Blue Ribbon sweetness, but like with the first contact, the flavor of hoppy lager is noticeably stronger, more vibrant.

Altogether, the San Miguel's Pale Pilsen is a wonderful welcome to the Philippines. It gives me great hope for further brew discoveries, though I am not so sure that the Philippines has a strong microbrew culture. Regardless, San Miguel's Brewery knows what kind of beer is necessary in a hot climate, and I think they would make a fine addition to a campout beer lineup anywhere in the world.


  1. no microbrew culture. you might have to go to Makati (Philippine Financial District) for a micro brew.

  2. there's a microbrewery in bacolod... it's called Bog's Brew... available at Bob's Cafe (21st street Lacson)

    check this out:
